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I remember whens.....

I remember when me and James were sitting in Spanish and we were sort of studying. and the name Puff Dady comes up and he goes,"Who the hell is Puff Daddy?" We laughed so hard.

I remember everother into lockers. It made everyone laugh.

I remember seeing James laugh and bounce everytime he laughed. And how whenever he smiled his eyes would always go squinty.

I remember how he would do anything to annoy me, but even though it did annoy me I laughed everytime.ytime after lunch James and Colin would fight about nothing and shove each other into lockers. 

Taylor Olson

I remember James, Lydia, and I were all sitting in the same seat on the bus coming back from the track meet, and he was joking around saying, "No Jaidyn I will not take my pants off!" and "Jaidyn that is not a pillow!" After that, boys and girls were not allowed to sit with each other.

I remember that James was always someone you could talk to because he understood what you were going through.

I remember when James would hangout with Lydia and I at the park during the summer.

I remember how James always made my day, and he'd smile when i looked at him.

Jaidyn Timm

I remember James would come to school everyday and told me I have big-buggy eyes, but then when i got mad he would say their big and buggy but their pretty. Then I would always tell him he had pretty eyes.

I remember walking into class everyday and see his goofy smile.

I remember if you ever asked him why he didn't eat school food e would say, "School food sucks, but the food back in Houston...."

I remember how he would always slap my butt so hard that it felt like there would always be a hand print there, then we would always laugh about it.

Lydia Winkler

James and I have many good memories together. One of my favorite memories with him is when i came to school and walked around the corner and saw James tackle Dylan, Taylor was right in front of them and we blamed it on her.

Gunther Range

I remember James and I walked from weightlifting 2 hours then we walked around Williams for 2 hours and saw an 80 year old woman riding a scooter. "Hillbilly Heaven."

Cole Elsberry

I remember when James came to school completely hyper. He said he had aout ten red bulls all night.

I remember when Mason and Cole were being selfish and took my iPod and huddled up next to a locker. I called James over and he took a picture of them on his phone. James then yelled at Cole, "Now I can make fun of you whenever i want!"

Dylan Greenfield

" Kids in Africa" (Running joke between me and James)

Marcus Irving

I remember when we walked around Williams all night until
4 a.m. and Larry Wacco drove his truck at us then swerved and drove off.

I remember at a track meet James kept wanting to fight people that over jumped him in the long jump.

I remember everytime on Monday if the Bangels lost James would tell me how bad they were and everytime the Steelers lost I would tell him how bad they were.

Tyler Smith

I remember when Josh, my brother, put a pen down James's throat.

I remember when we were on the bus coming home and we stopped at this one house and the lady was waiting for her kids and James said she looked like a hillbilly Mrs. Heller.

Kim VanHouten

I remember when I always had to help James with Spanish.

I remember when James would always make us laugh in studyhall.

Kaleigh Mae

 I remember walking around Williams with James and a bunch of the guys on the 4th of July. We were running around, chasing each other, throwing fire crackers.

I remember when James put on a dress on in school and threatened Knudsen that he would beat him up even in a dress.

I remember when James moved here and convinced Makayla he was gay by saying he liked Gunther and thought he was pretty cute.

Berhana Brown

I remember playing football with James on the football team.

I remember going to his house at 4 in he morning and making him come outside and walk around for an hour. He was always fun to be around.

Gabe Rapp

I remember when James told a girl at a track meet, "Hey you're hot, what's your number?" I told him she was weird, but he didn't believe me. Turns out the blonde girl's name is Monique, and she was really obsessive. That happened in 8th grade, and we still laughed about it all the time.

I remember when I always wore these purple shorts to track practice. One time James was walking behind me and told me they need to be a little shorter. Even though they were already pretty short. Everytime i wore them after that, he would make sure he would walk behind me, and he still told me they should be shorter.

I remember how everyone, including our math teacher, laughed when James said dude because he said it all the time.

Kaylee Massman

I remember at Spring Brook, when me, James, Tyler, Logan, Marcus, Gabe, and Tristan N. shared a room. The first night we stayed up until 1 in the morning just talking. James would tell stories from when he was in Texas. That morning our group went kayaking around the lake.

I remember some days at school, James would just come up behind me, pick me up, and carry me to my locker.

Kolton Claude

I remember walking around Williams with James and some other friends at about 4 in the morning, just talking about random stuff, some appropriate, some inappropriate, playing catch with a football, and just having a god time.

I remember when James got "rode up grandma's stairs" in Dr. Strasser's class.We had many memories in that class togetherand with the other students in that class.

I remember that James had a candle lit in his window whn we were walking by one night. When a few classmates and I were predicting what our classmates futures would be, we decided that James was going to own his own candle shop.

Logan Seiser

One time I asked James if he had a lighter..... and he looked at me funny, and I realized that was such a dumb question.

James always called Knudsen muffin top. He could've said anything without offending anyone.

One time me, Berhana, and James were standing by my locker, and Berhana took his hand and put it on my boob, and he had absolutely no reaction to it. So James has grabbed a lesbian's boob....


I remember when James had told Cole to flex his stomach, so Cole did and James punched him and Cole got winded and James just laughed. :) Great times in Physical Science.

Torri Werner

 remember when James came to school last year, and he is very energetic and crazy. When I went to go ask him why he was so crazy happy, he said it's because he drank like 20 red bulls.

Tristan Knudsen

I remember the 4th of July it was Tyler Dilley, Andy Pate, Hunter Dilley, James Unger , and me. We were walking around Williams lighting fire crackers and James would lead in the tune "I Want To Be A Rescue Ranger" and the rest of us will follow him "I Want To Be A Rescue Ranger." But we didn't know the rest of the words, but we sang it so loud you could here us all through town.

Kevin Sweet

I remember asking James if he got his Spanish grade up and he lost a bet because of it. His dad bet him I would ask him about it after talking to him the whole J.V. football game about James and his grades.

Marcus Mechaelson

I remember one night before a very cold Friday night football game, I was complaining how freezing cold it was. I began to discuss all the layers I would be wearing in front of some of the football players. James piped up to say, "I will keep your ass warm, Kelanie." I laughed and didn't even know what to say.

Kelanie Claude

I remember drinking at Spicher's when Colin said, "Unger is coming!" I was like, "YES!" We saved some captain for him, but he never showed. I have to say I was bummed, I ended up finishing it. Bad idea, I puked all over. I wish he came. I barely made it home. I wish he was still here. He was a good friend.


I remember...

James was a hard student to read. Sometimes he came in with a grin but other times you could read the boredom on his face as he lounged back in his chair. One funny tradition we had occurred everyday while taking the lunch account. He never ate lunch, and so when i asked everyday who was not eating hot lunch he would, almost always, be the only hand in the air. I would then ask if he wanted a salad. Everyday he would say no. One day he asked, " Why do you ask me that?" I told him i considered it our moment, our opportunity to bond. He rolled his eyes, the class laughed, and I detected a smirk. Thereafter, I always made sure to grin at him when I asked. I'm sure he thought I was a nerd, but I felt like I saw a crack in his attitude towards me. I will miss that little smirk and will think of him every morning.

Mrs. Leksell


Your quick grin will be missed deeply. I'll always think of you as Léon- the quiet one, but with a quick wit and friend to many.

Señora Paulson

Just with us a short while

Always hung out with Gunther

Made track hand-offs look a cinch

Everyone seemed to like you

Saying a prayer

You will be missed!

Mrs. Heller

My first and fondest memory of James was the first days he was at NEH.  James was quiet and shy, but it didn’t take long though for him to warm up to us and his smile to come out.  It was a beautiful smile.  Always in my memories.

Mr. Meyer

When James came to Physical Activity, he always did more than I asked.  We went out to the track and told him to walk 4 laps, instead James ran all 4 so I talked to him when I got done and told him he was so fast he better go out for track! Then he much more wanted to do push-ups instead of planks!  He was such a fun kid to have in Physical Activity.

Mrs. Willams

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